A Long Walk on a Hot Day, A Lost Wallet: Sad Poem!

3 min readDec 16, 2022


A Long Walk on a Hot Day, A Lost Wallet: Sad Poem!

Sad Poem Story: The summer sun blazed hard. It was a typical summer day, only the sun seemed too unkind!

John especially was at the receiving end of the hot day. While shopping, he had apparently dropped his wallet. And now he had no money to return home, which was still 5 miles away.

First, he thought of requesting a lift to his home, citing his little problem. However, never ever in his life had he faced such a situation. He was not able to make up his mind to seek help. So he decided to walk! After all, he was a healthy young man, and this seemed possible.

He kept on walking, walking, and walking. It seemed a lot to him by the time he was only a mile away from his house. However, one thing he kept on missing the most. Phew, he was certainly dejected!

The whole time while he was walking he was quite sad. And that sadness grew exponentially as he approached his house.

He felt guilty. He could have traced back to find his wallet. But he didn’t.

At that time, the idea seemed quite unfeasible. What was the chance of finding his wallet on such busy streets? But now he was unhappy. He somehow felt more about the missed opportunity and time window. He thought , maybe if he had traced back, then who knows?

By the time John reached his home, he was almost limping. He never walked so much. He just wanted to take a cold shower and thereafter have a refreshing drink.

The day had not been very pleasant. He had just lost the only photo of his friend who died in a car accident!

Also read: Poetry on Suicide: A Test of Love! Part 2

I Miss You So Much My Dear Friend: Sad Poetry

Find below the sad poetry written by John for his best friend.

My Dear Friend

My friend you are being missed so much,

There was a sad poem of a car crash,

And now there is one more of the lost wallet:

While shopping on the streets in good mood,

I lost my wallet and walked 5 miles on foot:

I hope you see me through lines,

I just said I walked.

Never good at walking, I badly wanted a ride,

But that would not have been a good farewell to the lost tide!

Sun was hot at best, and I never knew of rest.

I just wanted to walk back on foot.

Every step I took was a reminder to myself

Of how much I missed you!

I miss you my friend so much!

I hope, in a good place you are in heaven,

A high five and a high seven:

Rest in peace my friend

I hope your photo finds a good place too!

We sincerely hope you liked this sad poem story.

Struggling with a break up, then read: Cut Me, But Don’t Break Off: Break up Poems

There is nothing like having a real good friend in your life. Life becomes so much more while being with friends. Their small jokes and, sometimes, cunning smiles mean so much. And the names of such friends should always remain very close to heart.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice time!




Mazhar is a passionate blogger and a shrewd artisan when it comes to poetry, especially Poetic Quotes, Odes, and Blank Verses with a Twist! Let good vibes come.