Sad Poetry

Poems about Pain to Follow for Those Who are Hollow!



‘Today has been the worst day of my life,’ he said with drooping shoulders and with tears rolling down non-stop. ‘You should try poems about pain; they will help you through your sufferings,’ his friend spoke after a pause, almost reassuringly.

Pain, pain, unwelcome rains,

White dogs jumping over drains!

Poems about Pain to Rescue Hearts in Pain

There are so many of us who are suffering with huge losses and have no one to look to share sad feelings. Then, with some effort and motivation, try reading poems about pain.

Poems about pain will remind you that you are not alone and tears indeed can roll down on the cheeks of a man too, because who does not need little caressing by the end of day and also because it’s okay to shed tears when sad.

Also check out: Sad Poem

And don’t forget to read our popular mini-series Sad Poetry Fever

Find below one of the finest short sad poems about pain that will help you not feel lonely.

Life to Bloom, More Ways to Gloom: Sad Poems about Pain

sad poetry

The tree of life to bloom,

But many more ways to gloom;

Happiness will exist in some rooms,

But bad sores in plenty of rooms!

Why think of life, when

There are betrayals to come;

Just thinking of sadness

May sound strange to some.

Lo! My heart sings a sad song

For it stands broken for too long;

What can be done for losses?

Surely can’t choose own bosses!

The tears to come,

Sobs to fall on silent drums;

These groins will cut through the darkest dark,

These cries will cut through the hardest rock!

Continue watching this space for more sad poems about pain and sufferings.

At LifeXcites, the goal is to ensure readers have a world-class literary experience.

Thanks again! Long live Poems about Pain!




Mazhar is a passionate blogger and a shrewd artisan when it comes to poetry, especially Poetic Quotes, Odes, and Blank Verses with a Twist! Let good vibes come.